The best of our CFP without commitment
Improve the way you approach poker.
What is included?
Made by
TheWakko (Technical)
Adam Carmichael (Mindset & Performance)
Once subscribed, you will have unlimited access to this program. Also, you will receive a personalized certificate of completion.
All concepts explained
Clear learning path
14 modules
65+ videos
2 monthly live Q&A's
40+ hours of content
Continuous improvement loop
Get access to the Mechanics of Poker straight away!
Course contents
Do you want the quality of our CFP program, with no commitment?
What other players say about our program
Adam Carmichael
Frequently asked questions
Who is this program made for?
Our philosophy towards the game includes anything from how poker actually works to advanced GTO strategies and exploits. Also, we explain how we try to accomplish objective strategies in theory and how that translates into practice. All of this is a consequence of having the right understanding of how the game works and how we should approach it. This will be explained in our vision and philosophy section of the program, which will be very different than you are used from other providers.
For sure, this program is going to be a massive eye opener, whatever the level you currently play at.
What makes this product different than others?
Over the years, we have been disappointed customers of poker courses ourselves. We have always said that we could make something way better. Well, here it is! In the total market of poker courses, there is enough stuff that will get you to an okay level, but nothing will bring you further than 500NL or $250-350 ABI. We truly believe that our program can make the difference for you, the program that is going to make your career!
When going through the syllabus (in our demo video), you can immediately see that this program is not like the others. For example, there is no preflop 3-betting section or C-betting section, as we believe that is not what you need. It is very easy for a coach to make this stuff. They just info-dump what to do, while saying ‘’Good luck with that’’.
Our team has had their amount of success not because they are approaching poker like the rest do. But because we at Poker Ambition approach it differently!